getting there / info

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Accommodation and Food
We will stay in classrooms at Lundehusskolen in Copenhagen.
Players will be allocated according to age and gender, so there will be plenty of space to keep their belongings. Players can indicate with whom they would like to live when signing up, as we will make sure that the players coming alone are placed so that they have an easy time making new friends.
All meals will be served in conjunction with the accommodation during the whole camp. Food will be plenty and healthy. Four meals a day including an evening snack.

You take care of your own transport to Copenhagen. If you arrive by train or plane our shuttle service will be of service to you.
You arrive on Sunday July 30th before noon.
You depart on Saturday August 5th after 14.00.
You do not have to know your transport information when signing up. Just drop us a note later and we will of course help you. If your transport doesn’t fit these times will make it work and help you.

International Transport
We welcome participants from anywhere. Having a well-connected Copenhagen International Airport nearby many countries can easily reach Copenhagen. Copenhagen Central Station also service numerous destinations. We will pick you up personally and make sure every step of your transport is safe whenever you arrive in Denmark. Please contact us prior to booking, so we can help you planning your journey.

Our facilities
The Rock is organized in modern Lundehushallen with no less than three full courts. We will also use the affiliated outdoor court. There is an outdoor tuff field where outdoor practices will take place. In the same complex we have a indoor swimming pool that also will be used.
We will have the full facility to our disposal.


It is not required that the players know English. Everything will be explained in both Danish and Swedish for the campers when needed, so that everyone can feel comfortable. In the end, basketball is a universal language and we all speak that language.

Daily Schedule
No two days on the camp will be alike. Players will have different rhythms in order to give provide them with the highest level of individual attention.
An general daily schedule at The Rock will look like this:
8:00 Wake up
8:30 Breakfast
10:00 1st basketball session
13:00 Lunch and rest
14:30 Shooting session and beach session
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Competitions / small games
21:00 Evening snack
22:00 Good night
On Wednesday afternoon the whole camp will go on a field trip to experience parts of the fantastic surroundings.

Uniform and hoodie
Every player at The Rock will receive a gear package for them to keep. The 2023 gear will consist of a hoodie and a full uniform.